Some highlights of 2024
It’s a good time of year to reflect on all that’s gone on these past twelve months, at Ōtari-Wilton’s Bush. Here are some highlights:
- Volunteers have gone from strength to strength. Manager Tim Park says it’s been a boost to have this year’s new forest weeding group working with staff gardener Travis to get problem areas of weeds under control.
- Trustees campaigned successfully to restore funding for a redevelopment of Ōtari’s nursery and laboratory areas into Council’s Long-term Plan.
- Having more weavers harvesting harakeke has been really rewarding for the team who established the special collections in Ōtari’s Pā Harakeke, says Tim.
- A presentation on rare native orchid germination research by Ōtari’s conservation scientists received acclaim at an International Orchid Conservation Congress in Perth in September.
- Kiwi came to Ōtari! The presence of one was confirmed by its transmitter, there could well be more.
- Sales of Ōtari-sourced plants propagated in our own Trust Nursery started in February and were immediately popular.
- Guided tours were also popular, in particular the re-vamped winter glow-worm tours which quickly sold out.
- Ōtari staff continued relationship-building with mana whenua around the country to source cuttings and seeds of rare native plants from the wild, and thus help safeguard their survival.
- And right now chicks are hatching and fledging in nests throughout Ōtari-Wilton’s Bush! Thanks to Ōtari’s RAMBO trapping team, also to all the responsible local dog and cat owners who are taking care to keep the native birds and lizard fauna safe from their pets.
The Trust wishes everyone a happy and safe Christmas. Remember that Ōtari-Wilton’s Bush is open every day of the year – and free to enter. That includes 12km of forest tracks plus gentle paths traversing 5 hectares of the only public botanic garden in New Zealand dedicated solely to native plants.
Posted: 23 December 2024